Tech Tip Tuesday: Cluttered Google Drive? Tips to Clean it up!

Summer is finally here which means we might have extra time on our hands! Now is the time to take control of your Google Drive and organize it for the upcoming school year. 

There are SO many ways to organize your drive. You need to find what works best for YOU. 

 (image from

1. Think about your top level folders. Envision Google Drive as filing cabinet. My top level folders are not shared, but inside I have shared folders.

For example, my top level folders are Technology, SHS, and Lytania.

The Technology folder has shared folders like District Tech Team and District MCAS. However, I have items I am working on that I do not yet want shared, sitting inside my top level folder.

The SHS folder has all of my shared folders- one is with guidance, one is with the main office, and one is projects I am working on with Frank & Bob. These folders have items that are truly shared - everyone can work on them.
The most important folder though is the folder I shared out with SHS staff that has all of our calendars and schedules for the year. These items are view only, meaning no one will accidentally edit them on me. I use the summer to update every type of schedule imaginable (snow days, 1/2 days, late starts, MCAS, exams, etc) early. This folder contains them all, and I will only change the dates on them. This shared folder has helped because rather than having five copies of the schedule emailed out (each time with a change), I encourage teachers not to print it and to just look for it when they need it, as all changes would be reflected. We send a reminder email with a link to the folder, but this means no one is searching emails for attachments!

The Lytania folder includes items I am working on like tracking my PD in this folder or the recommendation letters I wrote for students.

 This resource below has some helpful screen shots and tips & tricks of organizing your drive.

2. Sharing is caring, but sharing is also clutter! People often share docs with me to keep me in the loop. I look at a document ask myself two questions:
1. Will I ever need to look at it? - if no, remove from drive. If yes, ask..
2. Will I contribute to it? If yes, add to your drive.

You can also leave it in "shared with me" until you decide if you need it.  I remove things each year that were shared that I do not need. This space fills up quickly with documents therefore you need to think about what you want to do with the item!

This resource talks about working in teams, naming conventions, and sharing practices. A great read!

Here is to the summer- to getting organized so we can have a powerful year of collaboration and efficiency!

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